I have to say this game is fun! Right now we have the sports package that comes with it [bowling, baseball, tennis, boxing and golf] and we have spent every night since Christmas playing against one another. It is actually something I can participate in because I can sit down between turns and I am not actually holding a real bowling ball [which I know I couldn't do] or a real bat and have to actually run the bases during a baseball game. [Me? Run? Like that would happen.]
Does anyone have any suggestions for other games to get? I know she is going to purchase Mario Cart with her Christmas money, but I know absolutely nothing else about what would be a good game. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
My Sims Racing is what we got our 9 yr old. We had a blast yesterday. Of course they all had to point out how "old ladyish" I drove. My eye had is well shot to shit huh. Anyway, I kinda expected it to be dumb but it is a really fun game with lots of options. I love the bowling cuz like you I could never go real bowling again. We also (SM & I) got WII fit and it has so many things to do. It is helping my knee and also my stamina so.....
The word is ginvalu...oh come on that's just to easy. I haven't had a gin value since I quit drinkin'. Oh no that's a sloe gin fizz.
Have a super one.
Thanks Linda! My kids are pooling their money to get the Wii Fit [yay!]
The kids did the word verification = it is spego, which they said are "Spanish Legos" heehee [great now you have my kids playing this game LOL!]
We got Guitar hero for Christmas, it looks fun but have not had time to try it yet...will keep you posted.
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