Evidently not I.
A bit of history if you will indulge me.
[Please do, otherwise you will be walking down a blind alley. hee]
Our little collegiate who wanted to venture to
Oklahoma for an internship has now changed her mind and decided that perhaps an internship in Pennsylvania will be better. [And before anyone -
NMM - accuses me of trying to change her mind, I did not. She realized OK was a bit far for even her.]
Soooo - University of Penn comes up and she informs us that she
will be attending this internship and
will be taking the Greyhound bus to get there and back.
Excuse me? Did you say you were taking the
Greyhound young lady? ::finger in the ear wiggling::
Uh, no.
Tadpoles if you read that link or, well...if you have EVER been on a freakin' Greyhound bus you realize why we told her no. Nope. Uh-uh and pretty much absolutely not, over-my-dead-body-there-will-be-no-discussion-missy. End.of.story.
We told her we would happily drive her to Pennsylvania or buy her a ticket on a plane, but the bus was not an option. Mom's been there, done that and nearly lost her t-shirt. NO.
She threw the "I am 18 years old and can do what I want card" at us.
Then her Noni [Grandmother] tossed in her two cents and those pennies hit the wall [and stuck] with a resounding "NO."
Still - Squirrel held fast and firm.
Until today.
Thank goodness she has a crush on this man:
Chrisopher Meloni
aka: Detective Elliot Stabler
Law & Order: SVU
Courtesy of the Busy Bee |
As my daughter watches the show religiously she did so today and the 4:00 episode resulted in this phone call [and yes, since I am a fan too, I was watching it ]:
::ring ring::
Mom: "Hello honey."
Mom: ::laughing:: "Wait. What. Are you watching SVU because I just saw that scene too."
[Then the heavens parted, the angels sang and I thanked the gods of cable because she said:]
Squirrel: "Yes Mom. OMG - the PEDOPHILE got on the bus after being released from prison and he sat with the little girl that was Wallene's age! MOM, MOM, MOM! MOMMMMMMMMM!"
Mom: [trying not to sound too happy] "Oh, okay. We'll take you to Pennsylvania. No worries."
Squirrel: ::sigh of relief:: "Thanks Mom."
SVU = 1 Greyhound = 0
Thank you Detective Stabler.
[I am still giggling. YAY!]