Helllllo! I've been missing you guys. Hope all has been well.
We have been busy here in the pond, still running here, there and everywhere. According to the doctors I should be tired all the time and sleeping a lot. Well, for some reason that doesn't seem to work too well for me. After spending the winter holed up in bed, unable to move much, I want to enjoy every minute I can, y'know?
Also what keeps me moving is the pain. Sitting or laying down is so painful that the only relief I get is standing up. [Nice side effect, eh?] Since I have to be very careful taking any kind of pain killer I try to limit what they give me, taking less than prescribed. Standing on my feet seems to relieve the pressure so I tend to be upright a lot. But? It gets really boring just standing around. heehee Since I can only clean so much I am, instead, attempting to FATTEN UP THE WORLD! [In reality my family, our neighbors and Pooldad's workmates.]
To start off - my very first [successful] pie crust. I have always sucked at making these and had just about given up hope until I decided I would take the basic idea of a pie crust [flour, salt, fat and water] and make up my own recipe.
TA-DA! This one became a pumpkin pie. We ate it before I could get a pic'.
Next up - New York Style Cheese Cake with Cherry topping. I don't even like cheesecake, but I had never made one before and thought "What the heck". I hear it is delicious. :)MY favorites! Those are the Kinklings you see in the background. The are a southern type of doughnut that can be eaten plain or shaken in powdered sugar. They bring back so many fond memories of my Grandma because she always made them just for me. Yummy!
Another thing I had never been able to make is Cinnamon Rolls. I did the same thing I did with the pie crusts. I took the basic premise for the rolls and made them my way. These are insanely tasty. I am very, very popular at Pooldad's work these days. heehee
Vanity shot:
And finally what started it all. Basic White Bread. I was appalled at how expensive store bought bread was becoming and knew I could make it myself. Besides being much cheaper it is healthier and I can tweak it with different flours and herbs to make my own signature breads. This is the most "dangerous" thing I make tho', because I love, love, love bread. And rolls. :) [And I didn't even have to use my bread machine.]
I also made cornbread for dinner one night and used the leftovers for cornbread stuffing the next evening. For Father's Day I made a chocolate snack cake with pecan chocolate icing that we are still trying to finish and tonight I am making pita bread and an apple pie. Yep. If nothing else we are eating well.
Our little garden is going gangbusters and we had fresh tomatoes on our sandwiches last night. The difference is amazing. Like eating candy. Soon we will have a bunch of yellow squash and green peppers to pick. I hope we can have squash and eggs for Sunday brunch on fresh baguettes. Family favorite :)
I will tip my ice tea to y'all and wish you a day filled with smiles and a nice relaxing weekend doing whatever it is you love best. We'll see you on the flipside.
[PS - if you happen to be in northern VA please stop by and help us eat some of this stuff. :D I'll put the coffee on.] Take care.