This is [the infamous] Senior - he is holding our Son. Son was 5 days old. Sr. was 22.

Eight things I did yesterday:
Eight things I wish I could do:
Eight Shows I watch:
Eight Favorite fruits:
Eight Places I would like to travel:
Eight Places I have lived:
Eight People I tag:
I am not going to tag anyone - but please feel free to tag yourself and play along if you like. :)
To make the sandwiches:
That easy! And seriously? These are so good.
Now, could I please have suggestions for tonight's dinner? :D
Yes - My lovely husband found not one but TWO corned beefs at the store this weekend. He actually had a lapse in judgement and called me to ask if he should buy one. UH? YES? And why you are there honey I want the other one too. Mmmmmmmm. It is $30 worth of meat [oh, that makes me sort of ill to type that, but then again...corned beef!!!]and we had one on Sunday and the other we will have for Father's Day.
[Like that sucker is going to last in my household for three weeks HA!]
Yes - The rain. We still are a little low in the rain department [we need about 3 inches down from a need of around 10 inches] and it has been raining for around 24 hours - just pouring. That is good. What is better is it chased the midnight basketball players off of the school playground last night. Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights were interesting because they kept coming and playing into the late night hours [illegal & annoying] and we were trying to sleep. But there is something about a tall man with a LARGE dog that hints at the fact it might be time to vacate the court. :D
HELL NO - Washington Gas, AGAIN. I am not even going to get into this, but I am so sick of this company - once again I go to pay electronically and once again it declines my payment. I am not sending them a check because SURPRISE! The electronic payment cleared-magically-three days later! Sigh. I hate the Gas Co.
Yes - I spoke to Home Depot today and they are coming out to switch our gas water heater over to electric! HAHAHAHAHA! We have already changed the dryer and won't be using the fireplace or heater this summer - so NO GAS bill for us after I get this sucker changed over. I am just going to have them turn it off so they can't say we used it for anything - because you know they will come up with some lame charge. Bah.
So, that was my weekend. How was yours? :D
It seems this one group of 26 likes to go out to dinner. Nothing fancy - just a local joint of tex-mex, pizza or subs. They go about once a month and so far she has added three restaurants to her list of ones she will never return to.
Among her complaints? It takes the resturant to long to seat them, their food always comes out cold or has to be sent back and it is just too hard to receive refills on their beverages in a timely fashion.
I did ask her a few things the first time she brought this up, such as:
The last one boggles my mind. Dropping in with 26 dinners? Unannounced? oooookay. Understand that I love this woman. Normally she is incredibly kind and considerate. She is usually on the ball about these types of situations, but seriously? She does not have a clue that service is not going to be all it can be when you surprise a small restaurant with a party of 26 and insist on having all your food served at the same time and expect the kitchen to get 26 different meals out hot. I can't even imagine one poor waiter trying to wrangle this group, can you? Two is stretching it, but really?
Well I had to ask one more question. Being a former waitress I knew the answer to this before I asked, but I just had to - "So, Mrs. Q do you all go on the same bill or do you get separate checks?"
"Oh no Skippy. We always get separate checks that way they can't add the automatic tip on there."
God love her.
> headdesk <
Since this is another pool work story I decided to post the pic of my little friend standing on a Loop-Loc cover. Yes, they are that strong :) - Neat, huh?
I know I have been going on about Bee missing a lot of work during the Spring which forces Pooldad to have to work 15 hour days. Guess what? This story doesn't involve her - although I have to add so far she is up to 9 days off in the last month. Today turned into another 15 hour day.
Here's the Jinx - I was teasing Pooldad the other evening about his belly being a little bigger then I have seen in the past few years. He commented that it was probably due to the fact he is all office, all the time and no longer goes on the road to fix/service pools. I responded with "Ah, well I think I will call T/D [the owner & Pooldads only boss] and tell him to stick you out on the road so you can work off a little of that weight." Laugh, laugh, ha, ha.
Today Pooldad had early shift. This is very exciting as the Capitals are in game 7 of the playoffs with the Penguins and he would be home at 3:30 pm - well in time for the tip off later in the evening.
When I phone him about an hour ago the first thing he said was "Hope you and the girls have a good time watching the game." I knew what he meant and was livid thinking Bee had taken off yet again. He quickly explained that it was not her [shock] - no, instead it was one of the mechanics. Seems that the mechanic drives a car with expired tags, an expired inspection sticker and an expired tax sticker - basically a big red flag for being pulled over by the police. Oh, and may I mention that he likes to imbibe and allegedly drive after imbibing? Yeah, well - they can't find him so all bets are on that he is in jail this morning. Sigh. [Nothing new for the pool business - this happens a lot with the hourly employees we have been acquainted with during the 30 odd years he/we have been involved with this business.]
Is there no one else that can go on the road and open pools? Apparently not. So, yes, I had to go and open my big, fat, mouth and there is my lovely husband working his 3rd 15 hour day since last Friday and the 10th of the season. And me left to watch hockey all by my lonely. sniff .... giggle...[I am KIDDING tadpoles]
But I have to say - I really have no one to blame but myself, now do I? :P
I miss you honey - see you at 10:30!