Suddenly the card started to SING really LOUD "Love is a many splendid thing...". He quickly shut the card and said, out loud "Shit, I would be divorced over THAT!"
He hadn't noticed there was a woman shopping at the end of the aisle. She was laughing her behind off and wiping the tears from her eyes. She smiled at Pooldad and said "Thanks for that."
He is my own Rodney Dangerfield :D Aren't I lucky? hee
That sounds like something Steve would do!
Hope you had a great Mothers day with your family.
Enjoy the last hour and 47 minutes of it!
Nothing is more enervating than a good belly laugh--I bet that woman felt good all day after that!
Haha for V-day, I opened my card to find it singing at me "IT's YOUR thang, do what you wanna DOOOO" and I was like WTF? and he couldn't stop laughing at me.... sigh!
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