Well, I was happy until the temperature dipped down into the single digits/negatives. Although this floor stays relatively warm we have had one small problem.
The bathroom. The lil' bath [sink & toilet - with nary room to turn around in] is off our miniscule foyer within feet of our front door. This proved to be a challenge in using the facilities as the bathroom has no heat vent and with the cold air from the front door - it was COLD in there. Painful, don't want to remove any clothing and NO I surely don't want to touch any porcelain right now 'cause, seriously? I don't need anything to freeze kind of COLD. Outhouse COLD tadpoles. It was cold.
I know, I know...I could use the bathrooms upstairs [they are oh, so toasty] but I simply can't go up and down 18 stairs that often during the day. [Oh, and before anyone asks - we got the house before I had this problem, otherwise we would be in a one floor home! ]
Here is a picture of our "foyer" and the front door. I took this picture from the bathroom door way to give you an idea of how close the two are to eachother.
This was taken with my back to the wall - this is a really small space. Baby - oh baby - this thing works like a charm. It is now the warmest room in the house.
And then she made me cake!
I have good kids don't I? I know I do. This is a practice cake for our Super Bowl Party in February. I think it looks awesome.
By the way - if this post was a little TMI - please leave me a comment. I don't want to offend anyone :D And by all means - please feel free to laugh at my bathroom misfortune. Because I know you will. heehee!
Have you tried a toilet cozy? It is a wonderful furry thing that fits on the ring, is washable and comes in many colors. Nothing like placing your behind on fur to make the job pleasant.
What wonderful, thoughtful offspring. I'm not sure mine would even pry me if off the toilet if I was frozen there!
I like the cozy idea! I think I should try that myself. LOL
You do have good kids. Do you rent them out? LOL
You two crack me up!
I have never heard of a toilet cozy...I might have to research that, although I think I would be hard pressed to sit on fur ;D - but when we go to the cabin I definitely need one for the outhouse!!!
Giz - I don't rent, but will gladly loan - they are big helpers and [I like to think] lil' sweethearts. At least people tell me they are. Let me know :D
I know exactly what you're talking about. My aunt & uncle's house (though we haven't been there in years, since my sister had children it's always been at her place) has the same thing - a half bath right off the foyer and in the winter, it is brutal in there. Your baby is too adorable :)
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