Spootie Print
Our doggie has discovered that if she wears her new sweater outside she can actually ROLL in the snow. It is her new favorite thing. I always thought doggie clothing was just an excuse for the owner to make their pet look goofy, but I am finding that the sweater she has actually does keep her warm. Bonus! Now I need to find her boots.
We are going to have homemade chicken noodle soup for dinner. Yum. It has just been a really, nice, fun day. The only way it could get better is if Pooldad had been home to share with us.
Sidenote: Poor Pooldad. He had a rude awakening this morning at 6:30 am. Heehee....the automated school system alert called his cellphone and woke him up! Poor baby was just a wee bit hungover from last night. I laughed and told him he had best turn it off tonight because they will be calling again on Wednesday morning and if his friends and coworkers have as much fun with him tonight as last night he is not going to want to hear the phone ring again at 6:30 am! Their bosses are treating to dinner at Bobby Flay's restaurant. Does anyone know if the food is good?
Pooldad also said he has some good stories for me to blog about. I don't doubt it - When you put a bunch of poolguys in a hotel with unlimited $$$ for two nights? Something is bound to happen :D
1 comment:
Depends which it is, but while I detest Bobby Flay, I consistently hear good things about his restaurants... (then again the same applies to Mario and I still didn't like his food that much!)
My dog has been doing funny things in the snow. Thankfully when it's snowing or when there's snow on the ground, she doesn't walk very far to "go". But when it's clear out, she goes to the top of the hill, even if it's cold... Today it's snowing hard so she walked to the front door, looked out, went about 10 feet, peed, 2 more feet, poo'd, and we were good to go. Awesome. Hahahaha. (Good for me, no excess walking in the snow/cold!) She definitely needs boots though. I haven't been able to find them for a reasonable price
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