Just a Skippy kind of Girl Living in a Loopy kind of World
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Happy Birthday My Boy, My Boy
I found this in my archives and had to post it. This is my baby. My little baby boy. He has brought me more joy [and heartache] then I can ever measure. Today he is 19.
I love you Junior. Be safe, be happy and know you are loved. Deeply and forever.
[no comments on our flooring. it is awful isn't it? we were a poor working couple and it came with the house and a $500 a month mortgage. ha!]
Imagine that , my oldest boy is 8 today!
I think we had that same flooring - but in olive green - back about 20 years ago...
I know that floor!!! I think everybody had that same flooring as some point! Nineteen..... They grow so fast! My "baby" is 32.
He was a little cutey, wasn't he? And then you blinked, ran into the store for something, and washed some dishes, and he's 19.
What a cutie pie!!!! It's hard when little boys grow up :)
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