Yummy! I made Pooldad steamed mussels in a white wine garlic sauce for Father's Day. It was my first time and I think I impressed myself :) I am always a little scared with shellfish I might poison somebody if I don't cook it right. These came out perfect! YAY! [and so easy]
For dinner we had barbequed spareribs with potato salad, deviled eggs and corn on the cob. We were going to have baked beans, but we lost them on the way home from the store. We have no idea where they went. Oh well.
Hope everyone enjoyed their Father's Day!
There's a beautiful little bistro in downtown Montreal that has the best mussels on the planet. Yum. Now I'm hungry again.
Our father's day was spent in the hospital with my father in law. Not so much fun.
Ummmm, was the Chessie a little gassy on Sunday? ;-)
LOL Linda - that took me a second. Yeah, come to think of it...maybe that is where the beans went. ;)
Rudee hope your FIL is feeling better.
I left you something over at my blog! :)
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