And you're not!

So what do you suppose the first thing Skippy did? Yep! Checked for locations of both. Unfortunately the closest Roy's is 30 minutes from... wait for it ... our HOME ... lol the irony! -but, but I was so excited to find that the closest DQ to our hotel is less than one block away. Wee Haa!
I am going to eat my weight in vanilla cones [as soon as I check the sodium content. Didn't think about that ... oops] ETA: 100 mg with the cone for a small - 90 mg without the cone - not too bad since a small is all I can eat - but still 10 % of my daily intake :D
I do have to say that I am a bit scared that I will be away from home, in my wheelchair, for the first time, but I will have Pooldad and the girls - plus the added bonus of the pups too [the hotel takes them for free! woot!!] If I become too tired I can always lay down, have furry company and the gang can go explore.
Another added bonus? The hotel is right across the street from a hospital. :D - I didn't plan that tho' - DQ proximity was so much more important don'tcha' know?
I'm so happy you are able to make the trip!!! Eat out, eat ice cream & ENJOY!!!!!
Hurray for the Skipster and the family. I am so happy that you are getting out and being able to be comfy too. You're the bestest.
Hey good vert word pyromon.
I gonna light a bonfire cuz I am a pyromon
Yay for you! I love DQ.
Oh my gosh, DQ sounds AMAZING. Enjoy it, I'm jealous!
Have a great time! Eat an extra cone for me......
Being one who can remember when a small DQ cone was just a nickel, it's our go-to place after playing a round of golf on a hot day (malts and shakes). And right now, ice cream is what goes down easiest since I've got the world's worst toothache. Blech.
WORD;reint I was going to work in the garden but it reint all day.
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