Saturday, December 10, 2011

It's Beginning to Smell A Lot Like Christmas

Mmmmmm. . .our house smells like cookies and spiced nuts.  Gosh, it is so delicious. I think you could gain 5 pounds just sniffing the air in here.

We made a couple different kind of cookies [Squirrel's favorites] and a bunch of spicy sugar walnuts.  We are sending one last care package to her before she comes home this week.  She will get it Monday to celebrate the end of finals and we pick her up Wednesday.  Let the festivities begin.

I am loving Christmas.  Everyday something new shows up at the front door [thank you UPS guy!] and it is wrapped and stashed.  Come Christmas Eve we will just have to set it all up under the tree - and - done! [This is amazing for us.  Usually we are wrapping until the wee morning hours of Christmas day!  Getting it done this way is an extra bonus. We can just relax and enjoy the evening with the kids.]

Our cards are done - they just need Christmas stamps and they are in the mail.  What is really weird is this year we have yet to get one card from anyone.  Weird because we usually have a basket full by now.  It may be because I didn't send any out last year [it was just a few months after my Mom's passing and I wasn't feeling it] but, meh - I don't send them out to get them. I send them out to keep the USPS in business [hi Julianna!] Kidding, kidding.  I like sending cards and keeping in touch with people, some I have known for over 4 decades.  That is fun. :)

I hope all your Christmas preparations are going according to plan and you are blessed with wonderful elves like me.  Enjoy your weekend.

If you need me I will be the one sitting in the living room, sounding like I have a cold. ::sniff, sniff::

"Bring me a cookie please!"


Jennifer said...

I think I've gained 5 lbs just hearing about all this cookie making and eating. If you need me, I'll be exercising...exercising my hands in the kitchen making cookies and then exercising my mouth eating them! What did you think I meant???

Have a good one, Skippy! :)

Anonymous said...

great enjoyment...also Merry Christmas..

Xmas Cards

Anonymous said...

Yep, we haven't gotten one card yet this year either - so weird!

Glad that your house is smelling like Christmas! I am just boxing up my boxes to family and it will nice to have that out of the way.

Enjoy your Saturday!

ellen abbott said...

so happy for you. and happy for me that I do none of it.

Anonymous said...

That sounds nice Skippy - bet it smells gorgeous. Hope you're having a fantastic evening. Hugs

Southhamsdarling said...

It all sounds quite lovely, and I am happy that you are excited about Christmas! It's a lovely time of year, isn't it?! I can well understand why you didn't feel up to sending Christmas cards last year, but I'm sure the postman will soon be beating a path to your door with a big sackful!! All my pressies are wrapped and the cards have been sent, so I can now relax and enjoy the family when they arrive from France on Friday. YAY!!Hope your cold will soon be better! Big hugs.

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

When I was a child I remember going to my grandparents house and as soon as you opened the door during the Christmas season the smell in the house was just so uplifting I loved it those memories are so special to me. I have a about a dozen cards hanging up but usually we have a lot more by this time..........

Jeannie said...

You have been way more productive than I have. Good for you!

Redhead said...

I don't think people send Christmas cards like they used to. So far we have received ONE. With a Christmas newsletter, the kind everyone hates (all the wonderful trips taken, the brilliant child accepting the Nobel Prize, you know the type). Do the ones from insurance agents count?

I can almost smell your cookies from here. My problem with baking them is that I love to eat the dough...

Merry Christmas!

Rudee said...

I haven't baked anything yet, but next week Thursday, my best friend and I will get the cookies out and we'll both feel better for the effort!

The walnuts sound tasty!

Susan Flett Swiderski said...

We've only gotten a handful of cards so far. Used to be, we'd send and receive more than a hundred. But our list of surviving family and friends grows smaller every year, and times have changed.

But I'm way ahead of where I usually am this time of year. Cards sent, out-of-town packages sent (and received!), house decorated, presents all bought and wrapped, and all that heavy duty house cleaning done. (I even washed and waxed my car!)

That leaves plenty of time to make cookies ...

Juli said...

I will gladly deliver all your christmas cards to the new england area. :)

I, myself, have made a double batch of chocolate chip cookies this weekend. I think youngest even had them for lunch.

Knitty said...

I think postal rates have caused many to curtail their sending. Some people will get cards from me always. For those who only scribble their name or send imprinted cards with no contact throughout the year, I'm cutting them from my list. Does that sound hard-hearted?

You're welcome to have a cookie from my house as long as you aren't expecting Snickerdoodles. *rolling eyes*

Crystal Pistol said...

People brought us cookies today too. i ate the entire plate before my kids even saw we had treats. I'm a big ol meanie! :) They were yum.

Celia said...

Yummy cookies!!

Yum Yucky said...

I obviously need to be at your house taking in all the baking smells. Thank God the air does not contain baking calories. I'd be in a lot of trouble from all that window shopping at the bakery. Yes, I love to go there & just stare at the baked goods. And???

life in the mom lane said...

Sounds like you and Pooldad are ahead of the game. Last year I didn't make any Christmas cookies... and boy did I ever hear about it! Problem is the person who needs them the least (AKA me!) ends up eating the most! Plus I hate throwing food away-

So since I got so much grief... this year we are definitely making Christmas cookies! I will just have to use more control....*sigh*
I told the girls if they want cookies then they will have to help make them- I got 4 new cookie cutters, white cookie frosting, red & green "glitter" gel and green, white and red shake on sugars.... all I need is the help!

Tracy said...

We only have two cards but I didn't send any last year and won't send any this year. I think Facebook has taken out a lot of that get in touch thing from people. And email cards, I love those especially the animated ones.

No cookies here and I'm trying to avoid making them. We did order a fruitcake but luckily you can only eat a little of it before the sweetness and nuts take over.

Teresa said...

we got our first card yesterday, from bubbles (across the pond). it is lovely. i haven't sent any yet and am afraid that the only folks who will get my handmade ones are special folks and/or the ones with children. {gasp} i think everyone else on my list is getting store-bought. i'm just not into it this year and have had an excess of "no time" right now. oh well... there's always next year.

the baking sounds (smells) wonderful! enjoy!!!

Anonymous said...

Fantastic day for Christmas ..enjoy this moment happy Christmas with all guys..

Christmas Cards