See? LOL - I am drunk. Yep. Although "Not my Mom" thinks I am a lush - honestly I am not. I succumbed today. And helllllloooo....nothing hurts right now. Bonus. You all can call it self medicating. I am calling it a gift. A big fat sparkly package with a shiny bow that makes me forget that bending joints is painful. I just point and laugh. Shut up. The kids are in the other room.
Did I mention I am sick and tired? I don't think I have slept 4 hours in a day for a month. I wanted to go to Mass this evening but discovered they have changed the schedule so I would've heard it in Spanish and considering how drunk I am it would've been entertaining for all involved. [Squirrel always gets a kick out of this particular Mass. Me? I forgot more Spanish than I will ever know]. We will attend a Mass tomorrow - when I sober up [Hi Father Bill, you are welcome ;)]. But that brings me back to getting ready to go out and being tired [tangent Tadpoles, work with me please] I went to apply my once weekly layer of foundation/powder [or what I like to refer to "How to give a dying woman some sort of palor other than "Casket"] and do you want to know? I have bags under my eyes that could carry a vacation's worth of goods to Slovakia. Jeesh. There ain't concealer existing that would mask these puppies. [And y'all wonder why I never post pics of myself? HA!]
Okay - still with me? It really would be more fun if you all were here with me, but you are going to have to deal with tipsy Skippy via blog for now. Know that my door is always open for any of you - just warn me 'cause I will need to buy supplies. I am not stocked like Linda. ;) Then again we aren't retired yet. I guess I will be then? Stocked I mean.
Hee hee...I also am allowing Wallene to dye her hair red tonight. Yep. RED. :D And again everyone shut up. My husband is a red head, my father was a red head and Wallene was until the great Shaved Head Incident of 1999 [Amy? You haven't lived until you have to explain to the other preschool Moms that NO you didn't give your daughter that haircut on purpose. That it wasn't a "fashion statement", but a neccesity - Yes. One mother actually said "Did you do that for a fashion statement? How interesting."] - it never grew back red and she has been a lovely brunette since.
But...she wants wild red hair like our lovely Eva - so I said yes. My kids get great grades, don't skip school, don't back talk, lie, steal or cheat - it is hair. I don't care what you do with your kids and I won't and DON'T give my opinions about your kids - so thanks for not saying anything in regards to what I allow mine to do - but especially along the lines of I am leaving a permanent scar on Wallene by coloring her hair in 7th grade. It is going to be BRIGHT, UNNATURAL and GARRISH and my lil' Porcupine is going to love every bit of it. WEE HAW! I can't wait to post a pic'.
Is it wrong to want it to be Christmas in March? Sigh. [Look! I am full of tangents tonight. I blame the alcohol. hee]
PS - besides not telling me how to raise my kids can we avoid the "OMG SKIPPY you are ill how could you drink and make it worse" scenario comments? It isn't making it worse. It isn't helping and it isn't hurting. I just want to be numb for one night. 'kay? Kay!