Bless his innocent lil' heart.
I had finished up some eggs I was decopauging with the "MOD PODGE" [the name is important]. A bit later into the evening Pooldad turned to me and commented on how pretty the eggs had turned out.
Why, thank you honey! :)
He then turned to me and inquired, "So are you going to use anymore of that menage' a trois stuff again tonight?"
My inhaler received quite the workout for the next 5 minutes I can assure you. And it reminded me again why having asthma sucks extra bad when I have a spouse that makes me laugh as hard as mine can in an unexpected, moment's notice.
*smirk* One can wish, can't we? *smirk*
I will never look a Mod Podge the same again!
Pooldad and Superman are NEVER permitted in the same city - unless we both have Depends!!!
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