Sunday, August 15, 2010

Walking With The Best of Them

A walk you say?  Why certainly

Our backyard
The playground 

More playground
Yesterday we sent the girls up to the store so Squirrel could purchase some necessary items for school.  While they were gone Pooldad and I decided to take the doggies on a walk.  Actually, let me rephrase that - Scooby decided he needed to "OMG Right now, Right now!" go out.  You don't argue with our little pony. :) So we leashed them up and started off through the neighborhood.

It was a spectacular evening.  80 degrees [in August! in VA!] a cool breeze. Perfect walking weather.  Now usually our walks are about 20 minutes long and about a half of a mile around our street. Last night I guess I was feeling frisky because I asked Pooldad if he wanted to walk to the store and meet up with the girls.  He agreed and off we went.

Maybe the bike riding [all 30 seconds of it] inspired me.  Or it was the beautiful weather.  Perhaps I am just feeling better.  Whatever it was it worked because the walk up to and back from the store is a little over 2 miles.  TWO MILES.  Yes I did.  I walked two miles without my cane. :) heehee

Some of the highlights of our trek:

  • Surprising the heck out of the kids while they were hanging out in Subway with their friends.  Mom?  What's Mom doing here? First question:  Where's the car?  Second question: You walked? YOU?
  • Finding out our local restaurant does let doggies on their patio.  YAY!  Funnily enough they made us take the dogs through the restaurant out to the patio.  I carried Spot, but you should have seen the people scramble out of the way for Scooby to come through with Pooldad.  Thankfully they unlocked the gate and we didn't have to leave back through the restaurant.
  • A cocktail tastes that much better when you are sitting with you favorite people, pups at your feet enjoying the cool evening breeze and watching the people go by.
  • You meet an AMAZING amount of people when you take your dogs into a restaurant
  •  Out of 10 people only two asked if Scooby was a Labrador Retriever.  The others asked or simply knew that he was a Chesapeake Bay.  [Sorry, but this dog does not look like a Lab.  Labs don't even come in his color. Or coat.]
  • Our waitress is one of the best we have ever had.  ::Hi Ashley!:: She was so sweet to bring the doggies water.
  • Spot seriously likes traffic.  She kept trying to get into the street while we were waiting to cross.  What is it with dachshunds and cars?
  • Pooldad remembered the muzzle for Spottie.  She doesn't bite, but she likes to bark.  A lot.  So we had to slip it on while we were on the patio because, y'know, frat boys? Need to be barked at.  What.ever dog.
  • Squirrel had gone off with her friends so we got stuck carrying all her purchases home.  Nothing too heavy, but I have to say: Nice trick Squirrel!  Thanks.
Yep.  That was our evening last night.  We took so long over cocktails that by the time we got home and put dinner on we ate at 10:30.

I love the summertime.

[Pictures courtesy of Wallene]


Jeannie said...

Sounds like a perfect evening. There are no patios to walk to from our house and I couldn't get my husband to walk anyway.

Congrats on the extra distance! It feels good to jump ahead doesn't it?

Rudee said...

It sounds like the perfect evening.

It's awesome you walked that distance without your cane! Yay!

Teresa said...

how fun! i'm so glad you got out. it started raining here last night and rained all night. it's finally stopped this morning and the weather is supposed to be cooler this week. yea!

great pictures!!!

Diane Laney Fitzpatrick said...

Oh that sounds so nice. And your pictures are great. We eat dinner at between 9 and 10 p.m. a lot in the summer. The rest of the year we eat at between 8 and 9. I used to tell the kids it was "European" which sounded better than "Too lazy to start cooking before 7 p.m."

Kathy's Klothesline said...

So happy to hear that you had such a good time!! I closed a little early last night and rode through the park with my tiny doxie by my side on the golf cart and handed out glow necklaces to all the kiddies.

life in the mom lane said...

I am so happy to hear you are feeling better!!!!!! :)

TinaM said...

That's really cool that you have a restaurant you can take your doggies too!

I'm so happy you walked all that way with no cane! Woo Hoooo!
You are so inspiring... and make me realize I need to quit being so dang lazy! If you can walk 2 miles without your cane, there is NO REASON for me not to get on my treadmill. EVERY NIGHT.

Great Pictures!

qandlequeen said...

Sounds deeeelightful

Amy said...

I love the silver rings. Great shot!!!

What a great evening.