Our second instance of Goodwill this week was a huge surprise and so very welcome - I cried. I have told before of how great Pooldad's bosses are and how they good they are to their employees. Pooldad obviously had to tell them I was in the hospital, but he didn't intimate just how sick I was. Didn't matter - they stepped up and when Pooldad arrived home one day there was a HUGE cooler on our front porch fill with goodies - Honey baked ham, 2 loaves of bread [o.m.g.!] aged cheddar cheese, 2 casseroles [green bean and au gratin] and the most god awful for you decadant chocolate pecan cheesecake -eek! We were flabbergasted - y'all know my family can cook and feed themselves but you also have to know it was the last thing on their minds - they were all pretty exhausted running around. For these men to think so much of my husband and our family - to make sure they ate - and well, for days - made me cry copious amounts of tears. I know Pooldad is wonderful, being his biggest cheerleader, but to know he is so well loved and thought of they would do something so sweet for us. Wow. And since it was a 20 lb ham we had to play the "How many ways can you cook this?" Which with a good ham is easy peasy to do and not realize you are eating ham everyday - and my family would eat it for a month! lol - This night Wallene is modeling Pooldad's newest concoction - we had it Saturday the day I came home - Ham Shiskabobs!!!! As spiral sliced hams aren't quite spiralled all the way down you chunk up the unspiralled, chunk up a fresh pineapple and cut up green pepper and onion - skewer it - marinate it for one hour and throw it on the grill for about 15 minutes - served with rice? A little dipping sauce made from the marinade - oh Goodness gracious! So easy - and although very high in sodium for me my skewer wasn't marinaded and Pooldad washed my ham in warm water which will remove quite a bit of the sodium - and I filled myself up on the pineapple and veggies - yum! Enjoy! Wallene was! heehee.
We all know what season it is, right? Yes - PROM season - weehaa - dresses, dinners and limos OH MY! Along with the costs involved in graduating [and I thank you with older kids that warned me...eek!] we were teetering on having enough, especially since the hospital. But we were going to make it happen and she could have what she wanted, how she wanted it because she really worked hard and i.m.o. really deserves it. So imagine my surprise when she came waltzing out in this lil' number - gorgeous!
Yep! Can you believe it? The dry cleaning is going to cost a couple of bucks more [big woop!] and she is pairing it with silver, strappy sandals and a silver clutch. I am so excited by how thrilled she is with it. And I am tickled that I have a child that appreciates gently used clothing at a HUGE discount. We are going to spend, probably $50 total for her complete outfit. WOW!
[I ended up with 3 casual dresses, comfortable, utilitarian for $20 and an $8 Ann Taylor Loft light blue linen shift perfect with sandals for a nice dinner/church/cocktail party type] and an Aigner purse [I collect] for $20 - it is $140 purse - one of the classics in burgundy - Skippy is thrilled too!]
So, there are many versions of Goodwill and I think our Sunday fulfilled a whole lot of them, don't you?
Wow, What exciting bargains! I dream of such things, being an enthusiastic (and shameless) goodwill shopper myself. Yup. My eyes are still razzzled from Pooldad's choice of duvet-cover. Um, how to let him down gently? So glad youre home. Wish I would pop round with a casserole! xxxooo
Wow, that bedspread is a flashback to some of my experimental days in the early 70s. (Yes, I'm old, shut up) Umm, I like the red parts?
Goodwill--going there for a dress for "formal dinner" nights on our upcoming Alaska cruise. People who live in tin cans on wheels don't have a lot of need or room for new store-bought fancy dress clothes, so Goodwill will do. Then it will get re-donated. My version of recycling.
Word vert: devablo. Woot! Look at all the goodies Skippy got at Goodwill. Devablo your mind!
OMG! If you could even get to sleep, it would give you nightmares!
I haven't been to a goodwill store in ages but mostly because there isn't one close by. But I do frequent the other similar shops in my neighborhood.
Ain't it grand when you find out how much someone else appreciates the ones you love? How fabu for your whole family. We loves us some ham. My grands would eat it for a month.
And Squirrel is gorgeous in that lovely blue dress. Pretty girl, pretty dress, snappy accessories...fabu prom. Can't beat that.
Now as to the bad acid trip bedding. I'm with the other Linda...I've seen this pattern before and I'm now having flashbacks...ouch. Good intention, choice uhhhh not so much. But we loves Pooldad for being the goodie he is not the interior decorator he ain't. tee hee
Hope your day is goodie too and not filled with unexpected patterns and such. okay so I'll let it go.
((((hugs))))) until next time
1. I am praying as fast as I can that you feel better, get better and you're back to fishing off of a fishing boat in no time.
2. You know how I feel about Goodwill. That prom dress is gorgeous! I love looking at the formal gowns and wedding gowns at Goodwill. I never buy them, but I love looking at them.
3. What a heartwarming thing your hubby's work people did for you. People are so nice.
Get better!
wow - what a bargain! our goodwill store only has garage sale leftovers and i have never found anything worth buying in there. good for you! i'm impressed.
never heard of that purse. will have to look it up.
great about the co-workers. i'm so pleased for you all. i know it is such a drain to have to spend the day at the hospital and then come home and try to figure out what to eat, or fix to eat, so cereal is usually what happens. not totally good for you...
lovin the fact that you're 'bout to your regular skippy self (in writing, anyway). was missing your spirited posts.
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