An added bonus - we didn't have to heat up the kitchen to cook or mess it up since we grilled it - we just loaded up the dishes in the dishwasher and done! How easy! I guess this kind of thing geeks me out because I do love to eat and I like to eat healthy and I get weary of people [Hi Sis!] saying "but I can't cut calories and still get taste" or "I can't cut calories and still get enough to eat". Yes you can - heck you could eat the whole piece of chicken and add another 1/2 cup of applesauce and it would still only total 560 calories - tell me that wouldn't fill you up - and it does taste good, I promise. And if you don't grill or don't want to just bake the chicken on a rack in a pan in the oven on 350 for 1/2 hour - it really is easy. Okay, okay - maybe that is a boring dinner but I think it is tasty or maybe that isn't enough food for my Sis [we should be the same size] so I am probably being unfair - my apologies.
[I will post a pic' as soon as I take one here] Today is going to be a banner day! My best friend is coming for lunch today!! I am so excited because it has been so long since I have seen her in the flesh - she has been snowbirding in FL and has been busy with her Mom but she made time to drive out today to visit me [and Wallene who is staying home from school.....shhh! don't tell] and we will sit around, drink tea and laugh, laugh, laugh. And I get to give her a special Mother's Day Present because, as you already know, my best friend is my lovely MIL and her Mother's Day present is a flower garden I made out of the container that held the "Go-Lightly" garbage I had to drink for the colonoscopy, remember? LOL - she commiserated with me through that, as did you guys, and I thought it was appropriate to use the monster container for SOMEthing pretty - so I bought a bunch of annuals and decorated the outside - I know she'll get a kick out of it. hee. Go ahead, say it - I know there is something not quuuuite right about me - but let's embrace it, shall we? It's a good thing.
Let's see, what else? Oh, more food news - three things -
1. Did you know that 24 bite size frosted mini wheats with 1/2 cup of milk has 90% of the required iron for one day? BONUS! My hematologist will be thrilled tomorrow.
2. If you like milkshakes you should go here "Paula Deen's Vanilla Milk Shake Recipe" - wow - and no, don't eat the whole recipe as it is 4 cups, but 1 cup is incredibly satisfying [so gooooood] and just the right amount - make sure you use good quality ice cream. I cut the sugar in half because ice cream is sweet to begin with [to me] or use a sugar substitute. I have an excuse to knosh on milkshakes anyway - my Doctor told me too - LOL
3. For lunch today I made the chicken salad, plus tuna salad and [I kid you not] sloppy joes. Now please tell me how cool that mix of finger sandwiches is for a "ladies lunch" - who wants to take a guess which ones are going first? In addition we are having a salad, potato chips [my MIL is an addict, I swear] and Wallene's homemade carrot cake with vanilla ice cream and caramel sauce.
Did I mention I really like to eat? yeah. that.
Only one little doctor thing going on - but I solved it, finally. Since I am on so many new meds, first time in my life, I have to ask to take any OTC medication. I have been in a lot of pain the past few days because my legs are so out of whack and I was wanting to take an aspirin or Tylenol or something just to take the edge off the pain, right? I couldn't find any doctor that had seen me for 10 days last week to approve just what I could take - it was ridiculous. I finally nailed down a woman who talked to one of my doctors and they approved Tylenol - seems I can't take Advil or anything else because I could internally bleed and that would make the anemia worse. I have been happy and more comfortable since 4 pm, but it really got old trying to find an answer to a simple question when THEY were the ones that told me to ask first. argh!
What is everyone doing for Mother's Day? Wallene had the great idea to go to the park for a picnic! We have some gorgeous parks very close to us and I am very excited. Mother's Day is the perfect day to go to the park because everyone else is out at the restaurants treating Mom to a lovely dinner - but me, I prefer to be on the water, outdoors getting dirty. We are even taking the dogs. YAY! Let me know what you all are doing too, okay? It is fun to share!
There you go. How many times did you yawn? Me? About 6 times, but as I said - it's all good.
It is so nice to have you back in the blogosphere :))) and no I was NOT bored!
I'm not sure what we will do for Mother's Day- what I DO know is that I will have all of my chicks home this weekend as Stefanie comes home after completing her first year @ JMU (GO DUKES!) and Jeff & JJ will be here for the weekend- the only downside is that Jenny has to work :( (she waitresses and it will hopefully be a GOOD $$$ day for her!)
Mother's Day? Probably have my SIL over for dinner to see the new 5er. Since the boys are out of state and all. Denny will take me out to breakfast of course--that's a given. Mainly we'll be enjoying the fact that by then, the honey-do list will be finished and we'll be heading off to new pastures the next day.
word vert; wjrnifi. When our satellite Internet service went down, I had to ask the campground office "wjrnifi?"
Just jokin' as Ry says. It is so wonderful to have you back here telling us good stuff about you and yours. The park is exactly where we will be going as well. The grands need the running room and we will take a picnic lunch and frisbees and soccer ball and that's the name of that tune. Joe and I will sit back and watch the goings on and people watch...Joe's best sport. He is a bigger beatch than me and we always have such a good time at guessing what people do for a living or make up stories about their lives....okay so we're boring too but we enjoy ourselves. Vert word is panter. Yep we only have one dog left and he is a panter.
(((hugs))) until next time my non boring friend
So glad to have you back boring the pants off of us.
I was hoping that Husband would take me to see Henry Rollins for mother's day. I still have a crush on him (both Rollins and Husband)
Amy's MBA graduation is Saturday morning. After that, not sure. I want to go to the Y and work out (yes - actually joined and started going this week!) and this weeked is part of a big city thing called Riverfest (starts tomorrow and runs through until the 16th). I would like to walk around the craft fair.
Ron is going to the graduation but will probably go home and rest after that. He's not much into Riverfest and he can't go to the Y. Not sure if Amy's honey is going to take her out after graduation (we'll probably do lunch somewhere) or what he has planned for Mother's Day.
Hi Chick, I thought I left a comment 4 u. Maybe Im delusional? Hope u had a lovely time with your MIL. Thats so nice that you get along so well. Keep up the awesome eating! xxxooo
I always get so HUNGRY when I read your blog! Your lunch sounds fantastic.
I hope you had a wonderful day at the park :)
Happy Mother's Day!
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