I woke up this morning with my eyes almost swollen shut. The last time this happened it was because I had an allergic reaction to chocolate - I was 12 years old - and it is the reason I am not a big fan of chocolate and didn't eat it for years. I only had one piece of chocolate this weekend - a small kitkat bar - so I have no idea why I can barely see to type this.
But I soldier on! heehee - it doesn't hurt it is just annoying. Pooldad said "Maybe you got something in your eye?" And I zinged back "Sure! At the SAME time, in EACH eye?" C'mon.
Anyhooodle, Gizmo was kind enough to pass this along to me and it looked like fun:
1. Where is your cell phone? I don't own one [gasp! I know]2. Your hair? I just cut it all off last week - it is short, spiky and going gray
3. Your mother? Terminally ill
4. Your father? Deceased
5. Your favorite food? Thanksgiving dinner
6. Your dream last night? Something involving super glue
7. Your favorite drink? Green bottled cokes
8. Your goal? To survive my illness
9. What room are you in? Family Room
10. Your hobby? Swapping on swap-bot.com
11. Your fear? Exposed heights
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? In an RV heading to warm weather
13. Where were you last night? Right here
14. Something you aren't? A liar
15. Muffins? Carrot Nut from Mimi's
16. Wish list item? Braces for Wallene for free
17. Where did you grow up? VA
18. Last thing you did? Used my inhaler because I had an asthma attack this morning
19. What are you wearing? Sweat pants and a sweatshirt
20. Your TV? On/GMA
21. Your pets? The best ever
22. Your friends? Special
23. Your life? Lonely, but fulfilling
24. Your mood? Chilly [I am cold tadpoles]
25. Missing someone? Very much
26. Vehicle? One
27. Something you're not wearing? Perfume
28. Your favorite store? Michaels
29. Your favorite color? Yellow
30. When was the last time you laughed? This morning
31. Last time you cried? Last night
32. Your best friend? Pooldad
33. One place that I go over and over? The Bathroom [Hey, it has it's own heater]
34. One person who emails me regularly?My daughters' schools
35. Favorite place to eat? Glory Days or Macaroni Grill
I'd like to pass this along to:
Marni at It's a Pug's Life
Waiter at Waiterextraordinaire
Linda at RVVagabonds
Rudee at Knitting Nurse
Kathy at kathy's kampground kapers
Gail over At the Farm
I'll get to work on it... thanks!
Aren't you kind? Thank you for thinking of me. I hope your eyes clear up--and your asthma, too. They're probably related.
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