My sister LA, my cousin Evelyn, my Aunt Mary and my Mom
And yes, we get our dachshund addiction from our Mother.

That is Max in the picture - Mom's pride and joy.
[Doesn't my sister look great for 50 years old?]
I called my Mom on Saturday to chat and check in on her and she asked me to hold on and I heard her pass the phone over.
Imagine my surprise when I heard my son's voice on the phone! :)
I was happily surprised. He didn't tell me he was going - but it makes sense. They have a very special relationship - he was her very first grandson and she has always called him "Angel Face". I spent a lot of time taking care of my Mom and Dad when he was younger so he was around them all the time. They are very close.
I don't think she could've been more thrilled than to see him on her front porch on Saturday. They hung out, ate and watched movies until he had to leave on Sunday.
It makes me feel better that his lil' roadtrip made her so happy. We were going to send the kids down for Christmas break, but I am thinking he is afraid she may not make it that long. I think we are all afraid of that.
Kudos to you JR - thanks for making my Mama - your Naner - so darn happy. Can't wait to see you and your brother on Thanksgiving. Love you!
You raised a good boy. On my very first date with my husband, we went first to visit his grandparents (his mother abandoned them when he was 9 so he was very close to them). It was Sunday and that was his day for his weekly visit. He asked me if I minded.
After about 10 minutes, she called me into the kitchen. Are you gonna marry him? she asked me. I was shocked to say the least and stuttered that we had just started dating. Much later at the engagement party my parent's friend had for us, she pulled me down next to her...see, I told you you would marry him. And so I did.
Now that's the definition of a good son, and grandson.
My mom loved dachshunds. We had three--Heidi, Dagmar and Layla.
What Ellen said. You raised a good boy.
Ahhh yes. That is an awesome son and grandson. I know you're proud!
"Doesn't my sister look great for 50?" Hey,hey,hey! Are you implying that 50 is old and we start looking decrepit after that??????? *snort*
I agree with Ellen; it appears you reared a great gang of kids. JR did a very sweet and thoughtful thing by visiting his Naner and he'll probably never understand what a fabulous gift that was.
Have a great Thanksgiving, my friend.
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