The nice Olde Bagg has kindly given me a shout out as a "Blog of Substance". I was surprised, but happy all the same, that my friend thinks my lil' ol' blog amounts to something more than just my rambling stream of consciousness in an otherwise mundane world.
In turn I shall have to follow the rules:
- Thank the person who gave me the award - Thank you again Linda! Love and Hugs!
- Write the reason why I blog in 5 words: Family.Friendship.Laughter.Knowledge.Belonging.
- Name 5 other Blogs of Substance and the reasons why you chose them:
- Just Humor Me - Diane makes me laugh. Hard. Everyday. She has a keen eye on life and finds humor in everything - even babysitting! I want to be Diane when I grow up.
- Raising Redheads - Amy and her husband Tom are raising two of the sweetest kidlets you could ever hope to meet. Amy's skill as a photographer is spectacular - I could look at her artwork all day long. I keep telling her she needs to publish a book, but does she listen? No. :) I want my book Amy. I need the book. heehee
- The Middle Side of Life - Teresa is my long lost sister and Ron [her husband] is the best "brother in law" anyone could hope to have. Their life is a testament to faith, perseverance and strength. I have no idea how they do it - but they do - with aplomb. They are inspiring in so many ways.
- The Knitting Nurse - Rudee is my rock. I can always count on a kind word or a sage piece of advice. In addition to being a great friend, she is an amazing artist with her knitting and her Leo? Well you just have to visit once to fall in love with Leo.
- Dance Like There is No Tomorrow and My Day - I cheated a little here but Tessa and Tina know why - I feel like we are the three Musketeers. The are an inspiring pair and in turn they support me while I try to support them. I couldn't have one without the other - and I admire them both.
Now I think it is entirely unfair that I could only pick six five - because my blogroll is filled with my friends and blogs of substance - and there are so many more I would like to have on this list - My favorite Christian Dad, Jeannie [who ALWAYS tells it like it is :)], Michaela who brings the Aussie sunshine into my home everyday, and mi who I have known forever [seems like] and quite the talented writer. Oh and Terese! [Farm antics at it's best!] and how about the gang at Grub Grade or Yum? The most talented Ellen Abbott? Quandle and kathy? And who can forget Phelan. My God! Do you see? You ALL bring something to my world and I want to include you all - you are the greatest [and probably most diverse!] group of friends a woman can hope to have.
And Marni - my longest and bestest friend - you deserve this award just as much anyone my lil' southern belle - but you need to blog more woman! :) I miss you.
And Marni - my longest and bestest friend - you deserve this award just as much anyone my lil' southern belle - but you need to blog more woman! :) I miss you.
Consider yourself picked as a blog of substance. I love you all.
THANKS SKIPPY!!! How exciting!
You totally made my day!
Does it count that I did the picture for a friend of mine who wrote a book and published it on LULU?
Aww, thank you so much :) I can't tell you how much that means to me! AND you even cheated to do it haha :)
You are the greatest SkippyMom :)
And Congratulations to you on getting the award! You definitely deserve it!
how totally sweet and unexpected! thank you so much for considering my ramblings to be of substance. love being considered family!
word vert: bodies
for real? i'm supposed to think of a sentence using bodies? no way.
Thank you, Skippy!
You are the greatest! Thanks for the award. Thinking of ways to make you laugh, hard, everyday, makes me a better person. Weirder . . . and crazy . . . but better. :)
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