I could expound on this and add that she has a spectacular blog [two! in fact] or I could mention that she is a great writer and she's funny and loving and kind or I could simply blather on for pages about what an awesome cook she is....but that would be gushing and knowing her and knowing that all that unabashed flattery would just go straight to her head - Well, we just don't really want that now, do we? ;D
Edited to add: Oh and here is the link [scroll down until you see the pic - is too the right link] to the original recipe, because did I mention she is demanding too? giggle.
So, in light of the fact that I forgot her birthday [some friend I am, right?] I am asking all six of you who read my blog to please, please, please go over HERE and vote for her amazing recipe. The site received 150 entries but only 27 made it into the finals and Yvo's was one of them!!! No sign up is neccessary - just click on the link [please?] and find her recipe - it is listed under "Yvo" and it is a beef over rice dish.
---I would love to see her win. Now please go vote! It only takes a second!
Oh, and Yvo? I don't beg for just anyone, okay? But [evidently] I am not above stealing pictures from your blog....heehee!
I wrote a gushing thank you and blogger ate it :(
THANK YOU!!! I am blushing over here :) hehe
It would be awesome if you linked the pic back to the original post from where it came ;D
I already linked to you twenty times....and I am NOT making it easy for anyone to get over to that post...let'em suffer like I did trying to track that down...giggle...you need a search link on your blog girlie.
okay, okay...I will go back and search again, sigh...and link it.
Anything else? ;D
I voted. :)
Now I'm off to catch up on your fabulous blog.
LOL you even used the wrong link =X
Hhahahah there is a search button up top! Durrr ;p
To be honest I usually google whatevr I'm looking for and I pop up ;)
PS Yes I am very demanding :)
and I thank you again!!! I won't win because some lady has 200+ friends but I'm still happy I'm on the board :)
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