Oh, I wish everyone could've been with us today. It was so awesome. The weather was great - not humid with a light breeze [made the walking so easy] - everyone was upbeat and happy. And the Hunt was so much fun! I know every single one of you would have had a blast.
These pictures are terribly out of order, but as Leta said "What does Blogger want?" when it comes to trying to post pics. We hope you have as much fun looking at the pics as we did being there and taking them. Woot!
Near the end big storms blew in - high winds and hard rain, but it cleared up pretty fast.

Last picture of the day! This is a clue that was given out during the hunt. The hint was on the barcode - pretty tricky especially if you have poor eyesight [cough*cough Pooldad!]

Driving home we stopped at a scenic overlook on the George Washington Parkway. Everything is so lush and green you could barely see the Potomac River down below. [It rained on the way home too.]

Here they are! Our tye dyed t-shirts! Aren't they great? We had so much fun making them - it was our first time doing it all by ourselves. They came out kind of nice we think.

This is a picture Wallene took driving into DC. We were laughing hysterically because [once again] she was attempting to photograph from the car and the Jefferson Memorial and the Washington Monument kept disappearing behind the trees [at 50 mph tyvm]. I like the pic' because it never ceases to amaze me that we live so close to all this history and we get to see it whenever we want - for free. It is so pretty. [And yes, I told you these were out of order!]

Ooooh! This is a cool place! It is called Gravely Point and it is a park at the end of the runway at Reagan National Airport. We used to picnic at the park and watch the planes take off. It is so fun to lay back on the grass and look up as the giant planes lift off over you - it feels as though you can reach out an touch them. They are loud too - but it is a fabulous experience. Wallene had never been before but she was tickled to stand and lay back on her back [in the rain] to watch the planes. Even with the rain the park was packed. YAY!

This is the Old Post Office Pavilion - it was built in 1884 and was the Postmaster General's home for many years. It is a stunning building [inside and out] unfortunately they repurposed it into a mall. Bleech. But I have to admit they have some awesome pizza for sale inside - [hey we HAD to get out of the rain, right?] The security in the building is T.I.G.H.T. - it took poor Pooldad 5 tries to get through the metal detector. Wallene and I almost gave up and left him [for food Tadpoles -food!]. Turns out it was my inhaler in his pocket that was setting it off. Oops.

Here is my hero. Isn't he sweet? I think at this point he was holding me up - I was a wee bit tired. Still we soldiered on because the day was only half over at this point. We were really into getting those clue solved - as were the 10,000 [I think?] other people there. It was a great crowd I have to say! What you can't see behind us are about 1,000 people trying to solve a clue under that red flag. [I know I look cranky in this pic' I swear I wasn't - I just photograph old.]

And the back of our shirts. Yes, very predictable. :D

The three funniest moments of the day?
- We had barely begun the Hunt and we were stopped by a Washington Post photographer because she loved our shirts and took pictures of us - front and back - to be published on their website next week. Weehaw!
- At one point Dad and Wallene walked over to the Washington Monument and I sat in the doorway of the Treasury Building to rest my feet. I could not figure out why people kept staring at me as they walked by - until a nice man stopped and asked me if I was one of the clues for the Hunt or was I just relaxing. People thought I was a clue. heehee
- A fellow participant remarked that she just loved Wallene's shirt and inquired where she could buy one. [Perhaps we should start a concession next year? lol]
Well that is all for today - Blogger is giving me fits and I still need to make dinner and do a little laundry. Hope y'all have a great evening and a wonderful week.
Love ya!
Hey, I just love the pictures, out of order, whatever. Your day sounds and looks fun and wonderful. I love the Tshirts. They thought you were a clue? You shoulda said why yes you must Skipppy to the next. Rain, yeah we need some of that. 105 today and dry, dry, dry. Well maybe rain would be bad because then it would be humid. ICK.
How cool is it that whole day's adventure???? And thanks for the pictures...got to see your bright shiny faces.
totally awesome pictures. they looked like a just fine order for me. hehehe! love your shirts, too.
you all look so cute.
Yes,it gave me fits tosay,LOL! I love your t-shirts and the clue thing just cracked me up! Looks like you had a great day!
That should be today,not tosay! My fat fingers! Leta
This sounds like a blast. I'm not surprised at all that you guys did this. It's right up your alley. Hope you'll give us a link when you show up in the Post!
great pictures!
so glad you all had so much fun!
*snort* Skippy to the next clue...good one, Linda!
Great pictures. I liked the part about Wallene at the airport park laying on the wet grass just to experience the planes. Actually, in this day and age, it's nice that they haven't shut down that part of the park due to security threats.
I guess some day we'll have to make it to DC, huh? Maybe before I'm 60? Hmmm, I seem to be running out of time there.
word vert: difyins. Difyins do show up in the newspaper, I'd like to see the article.
Awww. I really love that pic of you and Wallene.
That looks like SOOOOO much fun! And yes, isn't it sad to live so close to great touristy things and not take advantage of it every single day? I'm sure it's been over a decade since I've been up in the Arch.
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