Again...and again...and again....but please let's all abuse the Second Admendment so Americans can have the Right to Bear Arms so anyone in America can SHOOT CO WORKERS.
Seems someone else has decided an automatic weapon was a good choice, along with a shotgun and two handguns to kill three of his coworkers and wound five.
I am weary that this keeps happening. Stupid NRA. Happy? How many more deaths will it take?
Sad sad story, seems we hear a new one almost daily, what is with these selfish self absorbed individuals?
It's frightening, isn't it?
Well, I don't know what to say! I mean, I think I should have a gun, but I am sane (most of the time). I wonder what this guy would have done had he not had the gun. Clearly he was disturbed and disturbed people should not have guns, for sure, but what would he have resorted to? Nevermind me, tonight, I think the cold has reached my brain and I am rambling on and on. The only things warm are my fingers as they click away. My nose is cold and I fear that my feet may be gone as I can no longer feel them!
I agree with you, just playing devil's advocate ...... something my husband says I am quite good at!
I was in Mexico (WOO!) about three weeks ago, and actually got in a discussion with a few Americans from the south, who told me that they had no issue with a neighbour of theirs who shot someone trespassing on their neighbours property. I'm a dual citizen, and growing up in both places I saw some differences in attitude. But something that's always remained the same, is that guns aren't a joke. I hear things like what you posted, and hear acts of casual gun attitudes and it makes me sick. No human has the right to take the life of another. It makes responsible gun owners look bad, and... I don't know, but it scares me.
Somewhat hard to tell your viewpoint. Are you against automatic weapons or 2nd amendment? I would yank automatic weapons, assault rifles etc... but if someone wants to keep a personal protection handgun in their house, then I am 100% for it.
I wouldn’t shoot anyone that walks on my property, but I think that everyone needs to have a safety plan. If my wife hears the alarm go off, she grabs the kid, goes to a closet that we have with a strong lock on it and aims towards the door. They can have full run of the house until the cops get there, but if they try to open that door....
All this coming form a moderate, suburban, whiteish collar type! There are some sick people out there, and I just don’t want my family to become victims.
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