I enjoy her cookbook more for the writing and the pictures then the actual recipes - but oh my goodness the food looks delicious.
Seems the kidlets agree and have absconded with my copy. And Pooldad and me? We are reaping the rewards. Heehee
Two recipes we have had so far are the cinnamon rolls and the french breakfast puffs. Mmmmm.....too good. Plus the Squirrel has gifted a few of our friends with the decandent puffs for the New Year.
The best part? The have decided to name the days of the week in regard to breakfast. They know that they are not leaving our home without a good breakfast everyday - no excuses. I am a staunch advocate of a healthy breakfast when school is in session - I truly believe they need the nutrition breakfast provides and makes for a better balanced diet which, in turn, keeps weight gain at bay and their energy up until lunch - which in some instances isn't until 1:30 pm.
They have named the days of the week as follows:
- Muffin Monday
- [Mom] Toast Tuesdays [no, I will never escape this. hee]
- Waffle Wednesday [best, free appliance we ever owned]
- Tip it [the Box] Thursdays [cereals and oatmeal]
- Flippin' Fridays [over easy eggs, bacon - y'know - stuff that has to be flipped] or Fruity Friday [fruit, yogurt, smoothies]
All inspired by a muffin recipe from the cookbook. Although I never set a schedule like this I think it will be nice to know "what's next" in the scheme of things.
Squirrel is already helping out by stocking the freezer with premade muffins, waffles, bacon that can be reheated easily during the week.
I am as excited as they are. I love this idea. :)
She has a cubed beef sandwich recipe that I love!
Sounds way too organized for me. LOL
If only I could get the grands to eat the same breakfaast on any one day. Ry (because of his condition) has some strange texture issues and will never do cereal. He wants hot dogs or grilled cheese...ick. Gerea is a good breakfast eater. Loves eggs, but no bacon. Sighs heavily....life it is truly an adventure.
Good for you guys on your new named breakfast days.
If you like jalepenos, the jalepeno bacon wrapped thingys are OUT OF THIS WORLD. I make them for most get togethers and people eat them up.
I saw Ree's caramel rolls on her website and knew I'd better never try them or I'd be hooked for life. I can't even imagine what her cookbook would be like, other than pure YUM!
wow! can I come to your house on my way to work?
Just found your blog through Chickens in the Road....love it love it!
Have a great day!
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