Fortunately everyone was lovely to Wallene [again, as usual - they are a great bunch of people] and she was well behaved and had a great time. She even brought me home a crab cake! Woot!
They had a great time. Pooldad said the service was wonderful, but the food left a bit to be desired. This surprised me because it IS Ruth's Chris, but my husband is not a man that complains about food. He isn't picky - so to have a disparaging comment on the steak is not to be taken lightly. He did say the salad [caesar] and dessert [berries and cream] were good, so that says something. But to mess up a steak at a steak house? Wow.
When we woke up this morning and checked the bank account we realized they had direct deposited his Christmas bonus check! YAY!
It is snowing and I am going Christmas shopping. I love this time of year.
Have a great weekend.
I'm with your husband on that restaurant. The one and only time I went, the steaks were served with grease splattering so badly that is burned holes in my silk blouse and covered my glasses with grease. Not appetizing.
Looks like they had a great daddy/daughter night. Neither is likely to forget that!
Happy gift hunting.
Sounds like they had a good time. Too bad about the steak....was he crab cake good? There is a restaurant in MN hat has the best crabcakes I have EVER eaten and I want one so bad right now!!
Wallene is a cutey! How nice that she got to spend the evening out with her dad.
I'm not a steak eater, so I never have been to Ruth Chris. My poor husband never gets steak. He would probably love it if his company party was at any steak house at all - bad steak, good steak, any steak will do.
Have fun shopping!
Yay for Christmas parties! Sorry you didn't get to go, but that's awesome Wallene was able to go with him. I wish we had a Christmas party at a fancy steak place. We go to a small local place, get in trouble if we order something that costs too much, and can't bring family.
And I'm wondering the same thing as Kathy, how was the crab cake?
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