Wednesday, November 17, 2010

I Am Still There/Here

Sweater #1
[I am kidding - I am not doing that! lol]

Still no wi-fi - so Starbucks again. :)  I could get used to this.  Heehee.  Pooldad broke his cardinal rule and  bought a coffee from the 'Bux.  Amazing.  He said he was surprised it was so good [just a black drip.] I had tea tonight because that pumpkin latte kept me up all night.  Yum, but wow! What a sugar caffeine rush.  I really want a caramel salt hot chocolate now.  I will have to save my salt tomorrow, eh?  I do wish DQ had wi fi tho' [thanks Linda!] but now that I know McDonald's does I may be popping in there instead.  Much cheaper [but with more salt. ha!]

Thanks for all the great comments yesterday.  You guys are so much fun. :) I miss you!  I hate not having internet, but it did give a reason to get out of the house two days in a row.  Yay!  

I tried to get around to everyone's blogs - but Pooldad was late home tonight and the 'Bux closes at 9:00 - so if I didn't get there, know I am thinking about you and will be back to comment very soon or back here earlier tomorrow. heehee

We pick Squirrel up in TWO days.  I can't wait - The Porcupine just Skyped her [not talking, but with pictures and text] and it brought tears to my eyes.  I miss her so, so much.  YAY! Two days.

Hope you all have a great Thursday.  Hope to see you tomorrow.

Hugs and love.


Teresa said...

we miss you, too! i'm sure you'll be MIA while your girl is home so i'll plan on not hearing much from your neck of the woods.

you have to remember to take lots of pictures of the parade, though!

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

Hey girl...miss you too. We'll just have to party like it's 1999 when we talk next...oh wait, I'm a decade and some late and at least $3 short huh? hugs and sqwooses, The Olde Bagg
vert word....bookedle. Well this is another find bookedle of fish we've got ourselves into.

ANichols.Too said...

Have you heard about the starbucks sale the 18-21? Buy one holiday coffee get one free. We're planning on figuring out a way to incorporate a Starbucks stop into our errands tomorrow for it!

We'll be here waiting for you when you get back...have fun!

colenic said...

Miss you too...but so excited to hear how your visit with squirrel goes...and the have an exciting couple of will be a blast I am sure...miss you

BB said...

I was going to ask why we didn't get a picture of you yesterday but this was your saving grace. So glad you're having some fun without connection to all of Catch you soon. H & B

not displayed said...

Now I dont know why we cant get a sweater picture a day, lol

Thank heavens for free wifi. I am so hooked on the internet that if I couldnt access it at least once a day I would be a raving looney.

life in the mom lane said...

Yay to two days @ Starbucks!
Stef caught a ride to northern VA just outside of DC so I will drive tomorrow and get her- saves me 2 hrs. worth of driving EACH WAY! Yahoo!
Enjoy your time with Squirrel!

Jeannie said...

I don't drink coffee any more but hated Starbucks when I did. I do, however, LOVE their ginger green tea. Tim Horton's is the big coffee addiction up here. No internet at Tim's though. However there are a couple of smaller local chains that have much nicer atmosphere and internet. I don't think our net ever goes down now so I don't know if I will ever need it.

Southhamsdarling said...

Good to hear that you are still in the land of the living, even if you have to go to Starbucks to prove it! I think you're secretly enjoying this!!

ellen abbott said...

I'm so busy right now but I'm glad to see your smiling face.

Anonymous said...

I've only had the internet go out once for a day and it was torture!

It's different if you decide to get unplugged, but when you can't access it, it stinks.

Hang in there - love the sweater! :D

caterpillar said...

Hello there....I've tagged you to answer a teeny weeny list of ten questions which my friend had tagged me to do and I did... I'd love to come read your answers...:)

Yum Yucky said...

"The Porcupine just Skyped" sound like you're talking in some type of secret agent code. Just sayin'