We bought a 32" TV at the thrift store today for 17 dollars. The picture [on the TV] is gorgeous.
It is incredible. I love the thrift store.
[Well, except for the two unattended TODDLERS playing swordfight with steak knives in the housewares section - otherwise it was awesome.]
It is incredible. I love the thrift store.
[Well, except for the two unattended TODDLERS playing swordfight with steak knives in the housewares section - otherwise it was awesome.]
You bargain hound, you just sniff them out! Good job.
Awesome score!
You should have gone to the Samurai sword section to find a tool to dispatch the urchins with. One look would have sent them flying.
Oh gawsh. The dinosaur-ish TV in my bedroom is about to die, and so the "cha-ching" noises keep sounding off in my brain. That's a great find you got!
Darlin', if I knew you wanted one of those, I would have hauled one from Ohio to you for free--I couldn't GIVE it away at the estate sale. It went to charity, where hopefully someone will pay $17 for it. Heh.
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