Thursday, July 2, 2009

I've Been Dumped!

Some family I have. They abandoned me.

The Eldest has been whisked away to Rhode Island by her best friend and her family for a 4th of July celebration.

Pooldad took Wallene AND my faithful Scooby to work today.

So here I sit with Spot. All by my lonely. sniff, sniff....


Actually, it's not so bad. It just feels like a school day and they will be home early from work so we can start our 3 day holiday weekend. YAY!

What is everyone doing for the 4th? We are going to make fried chicken and go to the park and watch the fireworks. Then come home and have our annual neighborhood fireworks show. This is always a lot of fun. All the neighbors purchase their own fireworks and then we line up along the street and spend an hour setting them all off. It is always neat to see what everyone else picks out.


Yvo Sin said...

Please mail me some fried chicken!!!

christopher said...

Have a great long weekend!
Canada Day was yesterday, so no long weekend for us. It mostly just messes things up because Tuesday ends up feeling like Friday and no work gets done, and then today feels like a second Monday, and tomorrow is Friday, so again not much work will get done. :) That's okay though, I'm not complaining about a paid day off. :D

Gail said...

Enjoy the alone time and the big weekend.