Mostly the problems have been that the homes are located in areas that would become inaccessible once bad weather came - snow, rain, etc. We like the mountains, but weren't too keen to live on the side of one, off of a "road" that had seen better days. Call me spoiled, but I like blacktop to drive on. :)
We had narrowed our search to two towns south of where we currently live and our sales agent has been diligent, sending us a few listings every week. But we weren't finding anything.
Yesterday afternoon I was bored so I went searching myself. And I found one. Actually I found THE one.
It is everything we want in a home. 3 br, 2 bath - one level living with a finished basement for extra space - equidistant between Pooldad's job and Squirrel's college - 6 acres, partially fenced with out buildings for horses, goats and chickens - new kitchen [that's a bonus] - on a paved road. And the view?
![]() |
The "backyard" |
Kind of seals the deal, doesn't it?
Even better is the mortgage would be $800 less than we are paying now. That would be such a relief and allow us a bigger cushion just "in case".
I would jump on the phone to my realtor right this second but [and it is a big but] I researched the public schools [specifically the high school] and they suck. Big. Low test scores, over crowding, higher drop out rate, teacher turnover. . .just to name few of the differences between here and there.
I really don't think I have it in me to uproot Wallene from her beloved high school and all her friends to move an hour away from all she knows.
But a girl can dream, can't she? :D
Have a good one Tadpoles. Glad it is the weekend, aren't you?
It's a nice dream. Oh, the things we do (or don't do) for our kids.
I'm sorry that one isn't going to work out. I hope you find something soon.
I wish I would have bought a ranch house, too. Oh, well, hindsight.
Damn kids! Oh well. It really is beautiful, though.
Wow, that is a magnificent view. Still, I do understand the problem you're facing. Little man starts school this year and our lease here is up in November and I just keep wondering, do we stay here or do we go somewhere closer to the city, ie. better schools?? I'm really unsure of what to do and don't really want to move into another rental. Would rather wait until we're ready to buy. Eieiei. It's giving me fever thinking about it all. I hope you find something that works out for all of you soon. Fingers and toes crossed for ya(which is making it hard for me to do anything else, btw ;)
Hope ya'll have a great weekend. :)
It's a beautiful view! Too bad the timing sucks.
Skippy, I understand completely. Grim and I have been looking for years for the perfect place. But most of the time it comes back to pulling the monsters out of school. Teenage is in 11th and Picky is in 9th. So unless we sell everything and become mountain people we will stay put till picky graduates... Mouthy will still be in elementary by then.
While I understand, and can realte, would it be that bad for her? Have you asked her? Thing is... kids by that age are going to get out of school what they want to. If she wants a great education she will get it. What about a private school since it's short term... OR>>> since it's only an hour away, is there someone she could stay with during the week so she could maintain her school?
I know... not helping..
I'm often known as captain buzzkill round these parts.
What a gorgeous view. Well, all I can say is if it's meant to be yours, it will be. I understand what you're saying about the schools, though. Right now, the quality of Wallene's education has to be considered. She is one smart cookie.
Wow! That property looks absolutely wonderful. What a view to look out on every day! You're right, we can all dream, but I agree with you about Wallene. It would be quite hard for her I think, at that age, to uproot and leave all her friends behind. I hope you find that special place that will suit all of you.
I agree it's a beautiful property with a lovely view! But of course it would be hard to uproot Wallene from her school and friends. I really hope you will find your dream house/ranch! To dream keeps your mind alive and you never know, one day it may all come true! I certainly believe so! Have a great day my friend!
Big hugs x
If you did move and Wallene suffered at her new school just think how awful you would feel for the rest of your life. Sometimes sacrifice for your loved one's is the right thing to do .
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