We received an initial letter of tuition awards today and seems she qualifies for her entire year [room, board and books] to be covered!!! We.do.not.have.to.pay.
With all that is going on here at the Skippy Central I cannot tell you how happy [relieved] I am that I know that she can at least attend one of her choices. We should learn about her award to VA Tech next week. Since they are comprable in size and cost I am hoping that VA Tech comes close or covers too.
I don't know what the future holds and to be honest? I am scared but I can now rest a little easier knowing that a huge hurdle is out of the way.
Fandamtastic. Wow that's amazing.
that is fabulous!
i wish there was a dk near you so you could go celebrate!
Awesome! Having paid my son's entire tuition, I can tell you, it'll be a relief to have some assistance.
Good job, Squirrel.
O.M.G that is SO amazing! Well done Skippy because I know youre the one who filled out all the forms. And well done Squirrel for being a smart & hard-working girl. Wow, wow, WOW!!!
Thanks Linda and ikw!
Wow Rudee no matter what you always got me!
Thanks Michaela - but this was her hard work, not my paperwork skills! lol
We are very happy.
That is fantastic! What a rush that must be for her, too. Congratulations! I think you need to celebrate.
How relieving! Congrats to you both!!
It appears The Squirrel is going to have some tough decisions to make shortly. We should all have it so bad--heh!
Wheelchair wheelie worthy indeed!
mah-va-lous - simply mah-va-lous!
I'm so happy for you!
I sent you an email--just in case you're like me and rarely check certain email accounts--your socks are done!! Need your address, Skippy.
Congrats! That is a big one...
Congrats! JMU is where #2 child currently attends- she LOVES it there!!!!!
Happy Sisterfriends Day my darling girl. I know you're resting and taking care of you but just had to drop by, bug you and say love you Skippy do rah day. ((((hugs)))) until next time.
That's amazing!! I'm sure she will absolutely love whatever choice she makes!
How are you doing?
wow yeah! good for all of you!!!!
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