Okay, so you all know I didn't bring you here to allow me to wax poetic on my Sealy, right? Oh, no, no. I am having a problem with my bed; to be more specific the location of my bedroom. I have not had a total of 3 hours of sleep a day/night in my lovely bed since before Christmas.
Because? We live next door to the nicest neighbors [really!] except they have a pechant for overseas travel, for long durations and they leave their home unattended. No problem there, right? Wrong - because their lovely little home needs repairs. Specifically it needs repairs directly outside of the big window you see in the first pic'. Repairs that require parts of their home to be nailed down. NAILED DOWN SO THEY WILL STOP BANGING like a poorly trained Drumline. Jiminy Crickets! It has been windy here in Skippyville and things that are slightly detached from the roof, the second story and the deck of this home go bang...bang...bang...ALL DAY & NIGHT. I am tired and cranky and I want my nice neighbors to come home so I can hand them a ladder, a hammer and a can o' nails and simply point at the deritus that is the back of their house.
Then I will bake them cookies. And then go back to bed.
Until their cute little twins decide it is time to play basketball on the deck. [They do this all the time - but we can usually get them to skedaddle to the basketball court that is 15 feet from their back door.]
You are my winner! of my dolly :) please email me
Sorry bout that, my pc was signed in under my husbands blog. lol. You are my winner!
That would drive me insane! I hope your neighbors come home soon, or the wind stops, or some magical construction fairy fixes everything for you (I mean them)as soon as I hit 'publish your comment.'
By the way...Love the quilts.
How tired are you? Maybe the nail fairy can go over and nail those loose things down. They would be none the wiser. Don't admit to anything, just stop the noise.
I use a fan for white noise.
I love your guilts!
Oh, my, Amy, we seem to be thinking alike. I had not read the comments...we are on the same wave length.
I'm jealous! I wish I had the quilt I grew up with. It had been made by the grandmother I never knew, and after my mother died, my sister sold it in a garage sale. Very frustrating! You're so lucky to have those quilts.
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