Sunday, April 28, 2013

Zhuangzi said. . .

"Happiness is the absence of the striving for happiness."
So true, isn't it?  Again, another of my favorite quotes. 
Well Tadpoles, I would like to thank the 8 of you who hung in there through my simple contribution to the A-Z challenge.  I do apologize for not being around reading and commenting on y'alls' blogs or answering emails, but we have been busy moving out of our home for the last two weeks.
And moving sucks. ::grin:: An extra big suck because Pooldad, Wallene and I are doing it all by ourselves.  No movers, no truck, nary an extra pair of hands. Oh and super, do0per, added bonus? Pooldad is working 14 hour days because his co worker is on vacation.
Yes, yes it IS going so well. Why do you ask? ::hee::  Look for my next post "Adventures in Moving" or "Name the 17 Different Types of Vehicles Skippy Has Been Stuck Behind on Back Country Roads".  Yeesh, that was an interesting day.  And, look! I have photographic proof.
Scootering along [25 mph] with a bag of groceries on each arm.
By the time this is posted we will be moved into our temporary digs in the country and most likely without internet.
Ah well. I will figure a way around that. I always do.  Hope y'all stay happy, healthy and well.
We'll see ya' on the flipside. xo Skippy


Gypsy said...

I hope the move goes well. I've moved several times in the past decade or two, and a couple of times had to do it all on my own. No move is easy, but I will be pulling for yours to be reasonably easy.

Carolyn said...

Moving?! Where the hell have I been??

Southhamsdarling said...

Hi Skippy. Yes, that quote is so true. The more you strive for happiness, the less likely you are to find it. Happiness really happens with the really simple things of life. I hope you will manage to get connected to the internet in some way or another, because we will miss you until you return to us!! You are doing very well, doing all that moving yourselves, especially with poor Pooldad being so tied up at work. Isn't that just flipping typical! Anyway, once more, hope it goes well and that you eventually find a lovely home for yourselves that you will all be very happy in. Hugs my dear friend x

Jean said...

Moving alone sucks. I recall the million trips alone in my car moving loads of my mom's crap. Yes, the big stuff went in the truck but there was soooo much other stuff left. And no one cared once the big stuff was divvied up. I've still got tons in my garage. But I've been dipping into the box that holds my mom's baking stuff. HA!

I hope you aren't without internet for too long - I will miss you so much. They have those stick thingies now - they may be limited in speed and stuff but it would be something at least.

colenic said...

I am so confused....I must have missed something. I didn't know you were moving? I will email you...but hope all is going well..hugs

Yum Yucky said...

uh oh. I think I picked the wrong time to send you package. Hope your mailing gets forwarded okay.

Celia said...

Sheesh! Moving sucks! Even if it is a better place to live. The process is awful! Hope you are doing well.

Anonymous said...

Our last move was our best move because we hired professional movers since we were moving 50 miles away - so worth the $$.

Don't overdo it Skip! Hugs and Love,

life in the mom lane said...

I didn't realize you were moving either? How far away from where you were?
Moving sucks....
enough said...

Susan Flett Swiderski said...

Oh, wow. Good look with the move. We haven't moved since 1971... and if I have my way, we never will. (Well, not while I'm still breathing anyway.)

Take care. 12:34

Knitty said...

I've felt guilty that I haven't been visiting blogs and was quite surprised to see you are moving. I don't feel quite so out of it now that I see I am not the only one in the dark.

Good luck, my friend.

Sally said...

Thinking about you and hoping that all is going well!

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