Friday, August 21, 2009

The Squirrel is 17!

Happy Birthday my lil' Camper!
The Eldest is 17 years old today.
What can I say? We're blessed.
The Squirrel [as she is known as in our house] is actually not our Eldest. In fact, she is the next to youngest of six kids in our family, but for purposes of the blog I refer to her this way because it is only her and Wallene at home now. One year from now - she will be off to college and our home will be a quieter, less hectic place than it is now. And I suspect my grocery bill will drop by half. :)
For all the dire warnings from other parents of "Wait until she is a teenager" she has never, ever given us a moment of worry, argument or trouble. She knows what she wants and goes for it with gusto - we only ask that she does her best - and for that she has rewarded us [and herself] in spades. We feel if your biggest complaint with you kid is she is incredibly cranky if there is no coffee made then, well...something is pretty good in your world. And with the Squirrel? Our life is pretty darn good. [Bonus - she has managed to not lose anything in almost a year. hee]
She is beautiful, without actually realizing how much - She is funny in the most sarcastic sort of way that makes us laugh [I think that is genetic?] - she is caring to a fault - she is one of the hardest working students I have ever seen and she makes us very, very proud.
And, as I just discovered, it is going to be an ugly sort of morning because [failure] Mom neglected to have coffee in the house [we ran out! ON her birthday!]
Pray for me.


Marni said...

Starbucks... pronto!

christopher said...

Happy Birthday to The Squirrel!

Yvo Sin said...

Happy birthday! Sometimes I think the best kind of people are those that don't realize how beautiful they are ;) but I am not one of those, so maybe... I shouldn't say that LOL.

Best to her, now and always<3

Amy said...

Happy Birthday!!! She is sooo beautiful! Hope she was able to get her morning fix.

-And I hope you are feeling well after the oil change.

Greenmare said...

the squirrel is lovely.
perhaps it's time to retry the date night?

Gail said...

Time flies....

Rudee said...

She is lovely, and doesn't appear the least bit squirrely. Happy Birthday!

I hope you got that cuppa joe, Skippy.

RVVagabond said...

Happy Birthday to the to youngest...errr...the Squirrel! Hope she didn't get a caffeine headache when SOMEONE in the family forgot the coffee. Heh.

She's a sweetie!