But I got such a surprise the other day I thought I'd share. I had an appointment with my oncology/hematology doctor and in the course of doing vitals they measured my height. New one on me, but especially surprising because I shrank! Always being between 5'7 1/2/5'8 [depending on who you ask] I was really, really shocked to learn I am now 5'6 1/2. Now, I know everyone shrinks with age, but a whole inch at my age seems to be a bit much. I try to look at the bright side tho' - it explains how all my kids ended up taller than me. :D I'm a shorty. heehee
In other news of things shrinking - my weight. I am now at 107 lbs. Sigh. To gain any weight at all I have to eat an extra 3,000 calories per week in addition to my 1,500 daily calories.
Try eating 2,000 calories on a low sodium, liquid restricted diet. It ain't all ice cream and lollipops. If it was I might put the weight back on. hee
I am happy that my appetite has returned to [almost] normal - but without all the prohibitive food and drink I just don't see me doing it. It took me over a year last time to gain 17 lbs, now I am looking at replacing 28 lbs. Even if I liked the nutritional supplements [Boost, Ensure] I can only consume so many ounces of liquid a day. This even knocks out milkshakes and sodas.
As with everything else, though, this does have a silver lining. I am way ahead of bikini season [yeah, right] and I don't need a new wardrobe. Just a really good belt. :D
Hope y'all are having a gorgeous Saturday. Enjoy and relax.
See ya' on the flipside. :)
Hi Skippy,
I'm glad to hear that you have gotten the apetite back.
Wishing you a great Saturday too my friend!
Big hugs!
What a dilemma with the fluid restrictions and need for gaining weight. With your improved appetite, maybe it'll improve a little at a time.
Blood loss anemia from frequent sampling is a real problem and you're right to be concerned. Hopefully all of these different doctors are sharing results and not repeating unnecessary tests.
Glad you have your appetite back. Are you sure when they measured you hadn't just taken your shoes off?
I'm glad you are eating again. I had to put on 20 pounds when I was diagnosed with osteoporosis. (No shrinkage for me yet, you might want to have a bone density test done). I had been in the habit of eating only two meals a day, never really ever felt hungry. So I had to start eating three meals a day with at least one snack and eating more at each meal than I was used to. At first it was difficult. I had to make myself eat past the full feeling. But after a while, my body adjusted and I actually started feeling hunger. I also drank a can of ensure every day (that was part of my snack). Anyway, once my body adjusted to more food, it wanted more food. I put that extra 20 pounds on in a matter of months. It sucks, I know, but you just have to make yourself eat more than you want and before too long you won't have to force it because your body will be asking for it.
Eeek! Don't go shrinking any more, otherwise you'll be coming down to my level. Hee Hee!! It's nice that you've got your appetite back but as you say, with all your restrictions, it's going to be hard to put that weight on. I wish you well dear friend. I am over here willing you on.
I would say welcome to my short world but you would have to shrink several more inches to get there.
I'm so glad your appetite has turned around. It would be hard to eat all those calories - esp without sodium. I wish I had a trick for you but I've never had to gain weight under duress. I can only suggest lots of protein but I'm gagging a bit at the same time. Unsalted peanuts? Grind em up for peanut butter - you do love PB right?
Maybe add whey powder to the milk or juice you can drink. That sounds gross too. Well, just tune me out - I'm really not helping at all.
good to see you have an appetite again. bad that it's so hard to get in what you need without going over the sodium and fluid restrictions. that does put a damper on things.
hope you had a good day. it was very nice here.
I think we should set up a trade... I have just under 12 lbs. I've lost that I can give you.... ;)
If only I could give you some of my excess! I would do so gladly. My appetite has been off lately and I have to make myself eat to get my meds down. Haven't lost weight, though ......
Well getting your appetite is a start, I would love to loss some weight. I do know being anemic sucks they have no idea why I am anemic which is really annoying all the tests come up normal............
i'm glad you can eat a bit more these days. I'm sorry you've been so sick. It's terrible to not feel well. I'm sure you're tired of it. I hope you get feeling better and gain a bit of that weight back.
Glad to see you have your appetite back. As for the blood transfusion, it's like getting a new lease of life! Hope you continue to improve, just take it day by day. Hugs xxx
Good to see you not posting because of boredom and not because you can't.
Does that make sense?
I'd be happy to share my extra weight, but sadly, it's full of sodium, ice cream and lolly pops.
But it IS gluten free. :)
Ugh! I hope you are feeling better today.
I wish I could give you some of my fat Skippy! Hang in there and am glad you enjoyed your weather.
I just did a 10 day forecast on weather.com - we'll be in the 60s and 70s - woop!
Are you allowed to eat sea salt? That seems to be what a lot of places are hyping now ... the taste of salt without the sodium. I'm so glad your appetite is returning. Gonna take a while to put that much weight back on. I lost a bunch of weight when I was sick, and it took me forever to put it back on again. (Now, it doesn't wanta STOP!)
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