Monday, February 23, 2009

Road Trip Pics

We had the best time! The driving part didn't seem long at all, the hotel was just great and the college was lovely. The oldest seemed to really like it, especially the full tour treatment she was given [It wasn't planned and such a big surprise!] and she loved the library. It was a nice addition to her site seeing pleasure that the lacrosse team was playing on campus and we had both a college hockey team and a wrestling team staying at our hotel. She may have turned the corner into "boy crazy" this weekend. There were cute guys at every turn. Them and her 6'3 father dogging her every step.
I had to do something to occupy myself while the family ate lunch, right?
It was too cold to leave Spootie in the car alone so I volunteered to keep her company and the car running for the heater. Of course we opened the window for the photo-op [and Spot could growl at the passers-by.]
True fact: VA is the number one state in the US for number of personalized license plates.
We saw our share, but this one was our favorite.
We were all awake at 5 am, so sleep came around mile 200, at least for the youngest.

It was a crystal clear day.
The military spent the morning on excercises decorating the skies.
It was neat to watch.
The view, even in the stark winter, was spectacular the whole trip.
Many, many mountains. The homes built into the mountains were the most intense.
We saw hundreds of farms.
There were herds of cows, bunches of horses and even a few goats.
I can imagine how lovely this drive will be in the spring and fall.
All in all an incredibly successful, albeit short, trip.


Gail said...

It's not the size that matters, just the fact you enjoyed it!

Greenmare said...

great trip! yeay! it's it something visiting colleges with your kids??? shouldn't we still be going there?

Amy said...

Looks like you all had a great time. I love the picture of you and the pup. Too cute.